Kevin Green is a video journalist with CTV Calgary. Outside of his work at CTV, Green has also travelled overseas to work on documentary pieces in war-torn countries. He sat down with us to outline some of his most memorable and intense experiences. What's going through your mind then is that if this goes wrong I might not even come out of this room. Green's work overseas included following a man back to Sudan to find his mother after he had fled during the second Sudanese civil war. The war spanned from 1983 to 2005, and the documentary mentioned above: The Long Journey Home of James Nguen follows Nguen's journey back to his roots after leaving as a refugee at seven years old. The areas they visited were isolated, remote, and marred in conflict. In his first visit, the area in which they were filming required clearance from a local warlord from the Sudanese Peoples' Liberation Army. The location was declared SPLA property. "What's going throu...